All winter long, I had shows every weekend but I didn’t just paint for the shows. I’ve also been working on many commissions. Now that I am in a quieter season, I have some time to share some of these experiences. Each one has a special place in my heart.

This one in particular.

M and J were a delight to speak and work with from the start. Their humor and intellect resonated with me and my work right away. So, I was over the moon happy when they commissioned a piece for their living room. It was so fun to paint for clients whom you connect with so well.

The space was needing of two large canvases that would flank either side of the room. Their pallet was neutral, a blank canvas! My favorite. But they loved color!

The space, a neutral pallet.

I was inspired by some colorations in the art and furnishings in the space and went to work on the rough concept. One of my paintings from the past that they liked very much was Dancing Under My Favorite Tree so I kept that in mind as I designed their artwork. I stayed with the Tree theme, splitting it in two.

Dancing Under My Favorite Tree by Christine Adele Moore

When the commission was completed we arranged for me to bring the work over one morning. Never have I ever been greeted by such a reception when delivering a commission! They, along with friends who were visiting from out-of-town, greeted me with mimosas in hand. So it was for this audience that I unveiled Growing Up.

It was thrilling and exciting, and event a bit nerve-racking, as neither of them had seen any photos of the artwork. They had only seen very rough concepts in the beginning. They left it completely up to me to design and paint.

What an honor!

Wow, it was fun. Like walking on a tight rope, ha ha. I loved it.

The reaction was everything I could’ve hoped for and more and the whole experience has become one of my very treasured memories. A place that I can go back to in my mind as a truly happy, fulfilling moment.

I keep a jar of these kinds of memories in my soul, saving these moments for when times are tough. To remember that nothing lasts forever and joy will one day return.

Anyway, I digress.

We installed it together and I think it looks just perfect.

What a great day. What a great commission.

Thank you so much, M and J.


Growing Up because, to me, it looks like a tree that is reaching for its own greatness, constantly striving to evolve. That is how I feel all the time.

And it is what will keep my artwork looking different and changing throughout the years. I strive to continually evolve.