Christine Adele Arts
Christine Adele Arts
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Photo Dec 06 2022, 2 43 59 PM.jpg




Gratitude, emotions
and layers.

Representational imagery is used to express visceral emotion. The art evolves from emotion that wells up from within a sense of gratitude found through meditation. This practice brings great joy to the process and results in paintings that celebrate life. Working on canvas supports, there are separate layers of texture, water based media, and various materials such as metal leaf, with clear acrylic resin. Each painting is comprised of at least 3-12 layers.  This layering technique draws the viewer within the artwork and can have the appearance of active life that has paused for consideration and appreciation. Find out more about Christine Adele Moore.






Commissions and custom projects include paintings, wall finishes, portraits, ceilings, murals, and more. Collaborating with interior designers and clients; the artwork created reflects the specific size, shape, colors, textures, and details. These pieces personify the owner and fuse together all the elements desired. Contact for more info.

“The Happy Blues” - commissioned triptych installed by Christine Adele Moore.

The Happy Blues

“Dancing Under My Favorite Tree” by Christine Adele Moore

Dancing Under My Favorite Tree

Commissioned abstract painting by Christine Adele Moore

Abstract Painting

"Making art has been my passion since childhood. I love every minute of every day, because I do what I love and love what I do.”

— Christine Adele Moore